On Friday I began a last read of the ms. My editor Henry O has left Jefferson Press to work for an ecumenical press, where I'm certain he'll be successful. (Good luck Henry, and thanks for your caring edits.) I have his final red lines and comments, and will review them one last time before a final run-through of edits and then calling the ms complete. I finished rewriting the last story and will review it tomorrow before sending to a friend for one last outside opinion.
I had to laugh when Henry called to let me know he'd left the press. Three years ago a regional press agreed to publish a novel ms of mine, which they contacted me to ask to see. After the owner of the press called me at home one Sunday night at 9:30 to say he loved it and would start a contract the next day, I assumed everything was rosy. I worked with the editor they assigned for a year, during which time the acquisitions editor left and the publisher had a major illness. When all was said and done the book was not released. For a fleeting moment I have to admit my heart rose into my throat last week during my conversation with Henry. Not again, I thought. Don't worry he said, this is a done deal and everyone who has seen the book is excited about it.
This time things will work out, and the catalog copy and cover are out the door. I'm meeting with the publisher the day before Thanksgiving to discuss final plans and marketing ideas....will keep you posted on that.
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