Friday, November 30, 2007

What Now?

The stack of revised manuscripts stands more than a foot tall. And that does not include revisions of the individual stories. At work, I often return writing to various members of the staff who think of me as a hard-ass when it comes to editing (I'll not go there in discussing what else they call me).I always tell them I'm just as hard on myself when it comes to a red pen. The day before Thanksgiving I met with my editor (though he's left for another job) and publisher and agreed to spend the next four days making one last revision. I did, logging some 40 hours thinking, editing, typing, proofing. Sent the ms early on Monday. An hour later I contacted the publisher and said there was one story I still needed to revise again. I bought another day, and worked that night until 11 and again the next night to make a final set of revisions, then sent the finished ms.

Next step: galleys for reviewers and proofing.

Also: a Web site. This blog may soon disappear, or perhaps it will be appended to the new web site. I've been waiting on the Web site until I had the book listed for sale. Now it it, so I am working this weekend on Web site copy and navigation architecture. Hoping to go live the first week of January with that, so the blog may migrate over, or simply be linked. Not sure.

Also working now on finalizing a few appearances and working on others for signings, readings and panels at conferences for 2008.

1 comment:

Sapna Anu B.George said...

Good to meet you from facebook readr's group via,shortstory writers pagevia your website via your blog and now here,Philip